Sunday, October 26, 2008


So this weekend was free! :] No band!
Friday - well technically, Friday wasn't free cause we had a sectional. But it wasn't too bad. After the sectional, my mommy took me out to eat. Then I came home and knocked out for about 4 hours. Then I woke up and realized my mommy went out :[ So I just had the house to myself. Then I got tired again, so I just went to bed. But I woke up when I heard my daddy come home :]
Saturday - I woke up and ate. Did some homework. Then I met up with Jonathan at the park and we went to the Stater Bros. area. Then I met up with Alan, Gerry, and Caitlin. Then we went to Javy's house. Then we went to climb a hill :] It was really nice up there. Very very relaxing. Then we went to McDonald's and got some fries and ice cream :] Then Ricardo and Kevin came. We just chilled outside of McDonald's. Then Brandon and Raul came. & Gerry left. Then Javy and Ricardo and Kevin left. Then we all went to Alan's house where Doreen and Moon met up with us. We started watching She's The Man. It's such a great movie, I never get sick of it :D Then Gerry came with El Ofanato! Hahahahahah. But that shit was scary even though I only watched like the first half hour of it before I had to go home. Very good day :]
Sunday - Cleaned and now I need to get ready for family party :]

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